Mild Stress Reactions
The US Army has a field manual about stress (of course - the Army has a manual for EVERYTHING). The leaders manual for stress is named FM 22-51 (FM means Field Manual).
Some people are more stress tolerant than others, but everyone has the same type of reactions to stressful reactions.
In the mild category are physical symptoms such as trembling, cold sweats, dizziness, nausea, and the "thousand-yard stare" -- which are pretty severe reactions that one hopes aren't seen often in a corporate environment.
A closer look at the symptoms listed below reveals many symptoms that people do exhibit on the job, such as irritability, forgetfulness, and the inability to concentrate. Examine the list and see if any of the symptoms can be seen in your office.
Mild Stress Reactions
1. Anxiety
2. Indecisiveness
3. Irritability
4. Complaining
5. Forgetfulness
6. Inability to concentrate
7. Difficulty thinking, speaking, communicating
8. Loss of confidence in self and others
9. Anger
10. Fatigue
11. Dry mouth
12. Pounding heart
13. Insomnia
The first 13 mild stress reactions are typical of highly stressed people throughout a wide range of American industries. You can read the remaining 10 on this list in FM 22-51 or in Winning under Fire: Turn Stress into Success the US Army Way -- let me know if it isn't on the shelves of your local book store.
Do you see any of these symptoms in your own life?
E-mail me if you're interested in the remaining 23 symptoms on this list.