Dictatorial Bosses Demand More & Get Less
Corporate leaders and managers sometimes try to manage the stressed people by using increased demands and closer supervision. Instead, they should use stress-reducing techniques to manage the stressors.
It's important to manage employees and to help them understand how to manage their individual stress, but if you're interested in maximizing your company's productivity, you'll also want to learn how leaders and managers can take part in the improvement.
While the demanding remedies of dictatorial managers might get short-term improvement from stressed employees, such relief is usually only temporary. The increased urgency and focus on details typically generates even more stress, and the problems shift from slight distractions, such as back pain, headaches, and inattention, to more drastic reactions such as absenteeism and medical problems, both good indicators that stress levels need attention.
What changes can be made in your company to alleviate unnecessary stressors?
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